“. . . riveting build to fierce confrontations with evil . . . it’s Seabrook and Aja’s fight against a menacing enemy that has the most impact, as the nail-biting tension rarely lets up . . . alluring prose . . . lovingly detailed sea creatures become characters in their own rights . . . superb final act.”
— Kirkus Reviews
". . . entertaining . . . compelling . . . set in the colorful, dangerous world of oil field diving . . . Butcher's measured prose deftly captures the grit and violence of Jonah's world, both on deck and beneath the waves . . . The world of offshore oil rigs is indeed a rugged one, and Butcher's handling of it here will attract readers who might not have had any interest in the milieu before."
-- Kirkus Reviews

Howard Butcher is an American writer of sea thrillers, children's books, and screenplays. His works include Jonah, A Novel of Men and the Sea, Razormouth, A Novel of Blood in the Sea, and also the children's book The Dancing Pumpkin and the subsequent animated show The Dancing Pumpkin and the Ogre's Plot.